Thursday, September 6, 2012

PZ Refuses To Test His Fan Bases Interest in Science

323. Anthony McCarthy Says:
July 10th, 2009 at 6:38 pm
—- See post #305. Still true.PZ
I didn’t answer that mention of me, did I. I don’t falsely cite my professional credentials to promote bigotry, if I did you’d have some call to fall back on that dodge.
How about it PZ Myers, drop the anti-religious content and go all-science, all the time for three months. No anti-religious content, no self-congratulations on how you new atheists are all so much smarter and more informed than religious believers. Go put your audience up to the science test without providing their three-times a day, hate fix. Let’s see how many of your adoring fans would come to read about science without that.

329. PZ Myers Says:
July 10th, 2009 at 6:58 pm
Shorter McCarthy: Please shut up about the things I don’t like for 3 months.
It’s a pathetic ploy, guy. I write what I want because it is what I want to write, not in order to meet the demands of one random kook who I don’t know and don’t even like very much.

334. Anthony McCarthy Says:
July 10th, 2009 at 7:07 pm
—– Shorter McCarthy: Please shut up about the things I don’t like for 3 months. PZ
What’s this, Brave Sir PZ running away? Let’s see how sciency your fan base really is, PZ. Let’s see if it’s the science and not the bigotry that keeps them coming back. I thought you were all about promoting science. What’s the matter, you not willing to run the experiment?
It’s not as if your pals won’t be able to provide the anti-religious content, or, are you afraid of them stealing your audience?